"Seismology in the Oceans: Pacific Hemisphere and Beyond" セッションのご案内Event

We invite you to submit an abstract to our session, "Seismology in the Oceans: Pacific Hemisphere and Beyond", at the Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting 2024 in Anchorage, Alaska (April 29-May 3, 2024).

The session aims to bring together all scientists utilizing active- and passive-source marine-seismic datasets to investigate tectonic and geodynamical processes in the Pacific and other ocean basins. We encourage submissions on, but not limited to, findings from marine seismic data sets, new and ongoing collaborative experiments in the oceans, and advances in marine-seismic instrumentation.

Submit your abstract to https://meetings.seismosoc.org/submit/ by the deadline of 10 January 2024 at 11:59 pm Pacific (US) time (UTC – 8h).

Please share this with colleagues who might be interested!


Seismology in the Oceans: Pacific Hemisphere and Beyond


The ocean realm provides a clear, relatively pristine view into many of the fundamental tectonic and geodynamical processes that form our planet, including rifting, volcanism, and hydrothermal processes at mid-ocean ridges; the origin and nature of mid-plate and hot-spot volcanism, transform-fault earthquake dynamics, hydration of oceanic lithosphere, and the nature of multi-scale convection and its relationship to plate evolution, to name a few. The Pacific basin provides a natural laboratory for studying these processes, and it has been the focus of a number of experiments exploiting recent advances in marine-seismic instrumentation, including those affiliated with the multinational grassroots collaboration PacificArray. We invite contributions from scientists utilizing active- and passive-source marine-seismic datasets to investigate fundamental Earth-science processes in the Pacific and other ocean basins.

Best Regards,

James Gaherty, Northern Arizona University (james.gaherty@nau.edu)
Jianhua Gong, Indiana University (gongjian@iu.edu)
HyeJeong Kim, University of Utah (hyejeong.kim@utah.edu)
YoungHee Kim, Seoul National University (younghkim@snu.ac.kr)
Joshua Russell, Syracuse University (jbrussel@syr.edu)
Lindsay Worthington, University of New Mexico (lworthington@unm.edu)
